Saturday, January 18, 2020

Factors Affecting the Standard of Living Residents in Brgy. Cawayan, Catarman, Northern Samar

Our country is an ideal area for economic growth. Its mild climate, rich natural resources, and fertile soil suited for plant growth are some of many reasons to justify why our country could be developed economically. It is to be noted; however that increase production means economic growth and a way to raise the living standard of families. As economic growth improves the average citizen’s standard of living a smaller portion of the population tends to fall below the absolute poverty standard.Society can eliminate absolute poverty through a combination of economic growth and transform of many citizens with more than adequate income to the poor. Every residents in the Philippines would like to raise its living standard an exactly that of its community fact, every political bigwig aims to improve his home towns above all other. Most of the people find a way to become successful to have greater income more than enough for their daily subsistence or that would suffice their needs . Those, improve the living standard of the residents. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEMGenerally, this study attempted to determine some factors affecting the standard of living residents in Brgy. Cawayan, Catarman, Northern Samar. Specifically, this study will answer the following queries. 1. What is the socio-demographic profile of the residents in Brgy. Cawayan, Catarman, Northern Samar in terms of: Age Sex Civil Status Highest Educational Attainment Monthly Income 2. Are the following factors affects the standard of living of the residents in Brgy. Cawayan, Catarman, Northern Samar? Ideal household size Total family income (annually) Numbers of family members in school Types of household 3.What are those factors that directly affects and indirectly affects the standard of living of the residents in Brgy. Cawayan, Catarman, Northern Samar? 4. What is the standard of living of the residents in Brgy. Cawayan, Catarman, Northern Samar in terms of: Food expenditures Clothing expenditures App liances and utilities Housing expenditures Recreation and transportation Health and education expenditures 5. What recommendation do the respondents advanced in order to uplift their standard of living? OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY Specifically, this study aimed to: 1. Determine the socio-demographic profile of the residents in Brgy.Cawayan, Catarman, Northern Samar in terms of: Age Sex Civil Status Highest Educational Attainment Monthly Income 2. Determine the following factors that affects the standard of living of the residents in Brgy. Cawayan, Catarman, Northern Samar. Ideal household size Total family income (annually) Numbers of family members in school Types of household 3. Determine the factors that directly affects and indirectly affects the standard of living of the residents in Brgy. Cawayan, Catarman, Northern Samar. 4. Determine the standard of living of the residents in Brgy. Cawayan, Catarman, Northern Samar in terms of: Food expendituresClothing expenditures Appliances a nd utilities Housing expenditures Recreation and transportation Health and education expenditures 5. Determine recommendation do the respondents advanced in order to uplift their standard of living. SCOPE AND LIMITATION This study is limited to the residents in Barangay Cawayan, Catarman, Northern Samar. The researchers shall base their analysis on the response of the respondents in the questionnaire designed for the purpose of this study. Likewise this is united to the indicators such as: food expenditures, clothing expenditures, utilities, housing expenditures and education.The house hold size, family income, number of family member in school, type of household, employment status of head of the family and nature of work are also considered. The researchers limits their knowledge on the expenses and knowledge in conducting the research. IMPORTANCE OF THE STUDY This study attempted to gather data that can be a basis for improving the standard of living of the residents in Brgy. Cawa yan, Catarman, Northern Samar. The result of this study will be useful to Barangay Officials in elevating the living standard of every residents in the said Barangay through the factors that affect them.It will also serve as reference for students who intend to do a research on other economical problem of this said locality. The findings of this study will also help the community to become aware of living standard of every Filipino residents in order to develop their community especially that of Filipino residents residing in the rural areas. DEFINITION OF TERMS 1) AGE – the entire period of life or existence, as of a person, thing, nation, etc. 2) SEX – either of two divisions, male and female, by which organisms are distinguished with reference to the reproductive functions. ) CIVIL STATUS – it refers to the respondents whether they are single, married, separated, widow or widower. 4) MONTHLY INCOME – it refers to the amount of money received by all mem bers of the family every month and which serves as a common fund to buy the needs and wants of the family. 5) TYPES OF HOUSEHOLD – determine to as whether the respondents live in their own home or they live with their parents even they have own family. 6) STANDARD OF LIVING – refers to a living status in terms of indicators considered in the study.7) FOOD – it refers to a solids substance eaten for nourishment of the respondents. ) CLOTHING – it refers to a wearing apparel of respondents to cover their human body. 9) APPLIANCES – it refers to the things owned by the family which adorn their houses and are used by the family members for their comfort and convenience. 10) UTILITIES – fitness for some desirable practical purpose, serviceableness; that which is necessary. 11) HOUSE MAINTENANCE – it refers to any dwelling place of a family. 12) RECREATION – it refers to the activities of the family for refreshment and relaxation. 13 ) TRANSPORTATION FACILITIES – it refers to any mode of transportation used by the family ingoing to work or school.4) HEALTH – it refers to the body condition the respondents whether they are strong or weak. 15) EDUCATIONAL EXPENDITURES – it refers to a training by which a respondents learn how to use or develop their mental, physical and moral power. 16) EXPENDITURES – total expenses of a family for their daily needs. 17) NUCLEAR TYPE OF FAMILY – family members composed of father, mother, children living in their own home. 18) EXTENDED TYPE OF FAMILY – family members living together with their parents, even if they have own family. CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE Research LiteratureStandard of living usually refers to the economic level achieved by an individual, family or nation. It may be measured by the value of the goods and services produces or used by the individual, family, or nation in a given period of time. Another interpr etation of standard living is based on the goals that the people have enough material things for comfort and happiness, they achieved their standard of living. Standard of living is determined by the social status a person has and the goods and services he can buy. Wealthy people are secured with comfort and accorded with highest esteem by other people.Changes in prices can affect standard of living of families normally declines. On the other hand, when prices down with all other things remaining the same, people standard of living normally raises. But the letter statement does not anymore happen now a day. The relative poverty standard is the standard of living below which a certain percentage of population falls if we choose the percentage to be 10%, the relative poverty standard would be the income of the family at the tenth percentile of the income distribution. One of the problems of family is poverty. Poverty is a vicious cycle.If the parents are poor, the children will likely be poor also. Poor parents cannot provide their children with good condition or education that will raise them up from poverty. Another is they cannot give their children good food, hence they are sickly and have poor energy level which keep them away from school. Consequently, they slim chances to have a good saying job when they mature. According to Gordon and Dawson, standard of living in rural areas 30 percent below the standard of living in the cities, yet one of every five farmers lives below the poverty line. Development is the concern of everyone.It places a crucial role in every country. It is considered a progressive and dynamic process. Any country, which has attained development, has abundant material resources to meet her need. Educate people are more aware of the impact of the government on their lives and more attention to politics. They have more information about politics and undertake wide range of political activities. The status, goods and services they enjoy by the people largely determine their standard of living. On the other hand, the standard of living of the people depends upon there income.People who are wealthy are secured with comfort and accorded with highest prestige. Changes in the prices affect the living standard of segment of the population especially that of the worker or a person with fixed income. Family size also affect poverty. The absolute poverty standard raises with family size but not necessarily with earning capacity. The high standard of living, the lower the population that a given area can support. In many of the world, the standard of living is also low that large population can exist in small of land. In areas of high living standard, the resources can support only a spa use population.Although the poor earn but a small fraction of natural income, they have made great strides in absolute living standards. Real wages have rises steadily over the last century; manufacturing workers today earn real wages 10 times what their great grandfather got. Few socialist or communist today doubt that capitalist has been a mighty engine for increasing the real wages of poor as well as rich. A country may be conceived as one in which the collective objectives is to maximize the total welfare this rather than economic power of other forms of it, like military and political influence.The most living, that is the quantity of good and services available for consumption. Local Literature Electrification raises not only the level of consumption but also the will to economize because higher standard of living (consumption), brought about by household electricity, are necessarily accompanied by an increase in the income of the family (through more production), either through self-employment causing the electricity industry, or through employment in power-using industries.The people having a minimum of subsistence standard of living have an income adequate to provide for their necessities under normal conditions , but they cannot spare any part of their income for social necessities. They cannot afford medical care, and in case of emergency like sickness they have to depend on free clinic or dispensaries. They can manage to exist without any assistance, buy they can count on no savings to depend upon when the bread winner of the family is unemployed. They are always exercise careful economy in their expenditures. Pp. 668The families having the comfort standard of living may be described as those who can afford to provide not only for a sufficient amount of the necessities but also for cultural wants. They can send their children to college, they can afford to set aside part for their income for recreation and travel, and they can participate in the conventional activities in their community. The small land owner, most of members of the professional class and small business men enjoy this standard. Many of them can drive a car and can afford to join to a club. All demands of a respectable sc ale of living can be satisfied.The members constitute the upper middle class in the country. At the poverty level, people are unable to provide sufficient quantity of the necessities for an independent existence even with the most careful expenditure of available income. Their income is entirely inadequate to provide for the upkeep of the family. The people of this class have to be aided most of the time in one way or another. Their food is much simple, they could not afford to clothe themselves decently, and they live in a nip shacks in an over crowded houses where privacy is impossible.They literally live to have a mouth existence. The constitute the bulk of those who appeal to charitable organizations for help, if they are not actually living on beggary. Pp. 667 Standard of living are products of society. Many of the goods they consume are considered essential in maintaining personal and social well-being, because our neighbours and whole community are using them to do many thing s because it is appropriate and natural for us to work with them. If it is customary in a town to send children to school, parents in that community exerted effort sending their children to school.Our attitude toward many things is being imposed upon by society, our choices are controlled by the society of which we are part of. Living standard are constantly undergoing a process of change. There is scarcity in nation that does not experience changes in its standard of living. The standard of living of some people changes in its standard of living. The standard of living of some people changes much more slowly than that of others, depending on the effort of certain dynamic for use that bring about reorganization of social economics values and lead them to scrutinize of life.It is scarcity necessary to point out that the different standards of living in the Philippines have not been immune from innovation and new concepts and attitudes of what constitutes individual and social welfare since the Spanish time. Pp. 671 It is difficult for the poor to maintain life of dignity. They have not been fortunate enough to find an employment that will enable them to provide education. Because of lack of education and the right connection, a poor person finds it difficult to work for a job. If ever he finds one, it is usually a low paying job.Standard of living is determined by the social status a person has and the goods and services he can buy. Wealthy people are secured with comfort and accorded with highest esteem by other people. Changes in prices can affect standard of living. When prices go up without corresponding increase in income, the standard of living of the people normally decline. On the other hand when prices go down with all other things remaining the same, people standard of living normally rises. But the latter statement does not anymore happen now a days. Poverty is a vicious cycle.If the parents are poor, the children will likely be poor also. Poor paren ts cannot provide their children with good education that will raise them up from poverty. Another is they cannot give their children with good food, hence they are sickly and have poor energy level which keep away from school. Consequently, they end up unschooled. As such they have slim chances to have a good paying job when they mature. According to Sorio, as cited by Bicol, (1998) the standard of living of the people is largely determined by the status, goods and services they enjoy.On the other hand, the goods and services status people enjoy depend upon their income. People who are wealthy secure the most comfort and are accorded with the highest prestige. In addition to the family’s income the cost of living and the house, the family residents should not be considered. Limpoco, )1989) stated that material possession is an indicator of the level of living. Malaki, B. et. Al, (1998) claimed that in the discipline of economy. Largely family size may be a good source of inc ome.This is, however, placed in tandem with all other attitudes which may contribute to the realization of a livable standard of living. Ubaldo, et. Al. , (1998) found out that most of the farmers, the respondents of his study belong to the income of P49, 912. 00 per annum as which for low the poverty level. Ronquillo, et, al. , (1989), stated that the higher the standard of living in a given area can support. In an area of high standard of living, the resources can support only sparse population. Development is the concern of every one.It places a crucial role in every country. It is considered a progressive and dynamic process. Any country, which has attained development, has abundant material resources to meet her needs educated people are more aware of the political activities. The status, goods and services they enjoyed by the people largely determine their standard of living. On the other hand, the standard of living of the people depends upon their income. People who are weal thy are secured with comfort and accorded with the highest prestige.Changes in the prices affect the living standard of segment of the population, especially, that of the worker or a person with fixed income. The higher standard of living, the lower the population that a given area can support. In many of the world, the standard of living is also low that large population can exist on small of land. In areas of high living standard, the resources can support only a spares population. The most important cause of poverty among individuals is poverty itself. One who come from a poor family generally turns out to be poor himself and this likely to be true to his children.This is vicious cycle of poverty. The poor has a lesser opportunity for a better life because he moves around an environment where everybody seems to be perennially needing support and assistance from others. The poor are generally more prone to illness; hence absenteeism at work is rampant thereby lowering their earnin g capacity. Poor health results in lower energy level, lower productivity and shorter lives. The goods services and social status that people enjoy depend upon their income. In like manner, the goods and services and social status largely determine their standard of living.People relatively enjoy a high standard of living. They are not very much affected when there is an increase in the cost of living because their income does not generally fluctuate if the changes in prices occur. For a worker or a person who depends on fix income, affects his standard of living. In sparsely populated countries, the people living standard is relatively higher than in over populated countries. This is so because the resources of a given country can sufficiently support an ideal number of population.If the population growth out poses production growth, there would be an imbalance of distribution of wealth. According to Ronquillo, et. al. , (1989) the standard of living is high in a country which has enough resources to support its population. Tussing, (1987) claims that children whose parents are poor and have been deprived of good pre-natal care; thereby likely have less IQ, lower energy level, higher absenteeism at school and shorter lives. They will likely be poor when they grow up and have less chance to enjoy a high standard of living. Foreign LiteratureThe fantastic magnitude of the increases in both labor production and output for capita since, say, 1800 is best appreciated by contrasting it with the dismal average record of many previous centuries. In Europe, after a long decline. Living standards had been increasing intermittently since the eleventh century – the century in which William the Conqueror acquired England. Yet, it is estimated that even by the time of the American civil war neighbour labor productivity nor GNP per capita had yet re attained the levels that had been achieved in ancient Rome – about 16 centuries earlier!Thus, on the average, pr oductivity and GNP per capita did not grow at all over 1600 years. Even for those wealthy enough to buy them, the number of important new consumer goods innovated in those 16 centuries was remarkably small. Firearms, glass windowpanes eyeglass, mechanical clocks, tobacco, and printed books constitute almost the entire list of major new consumer products invented between the fall of the Roman Empire and the beginning of the nineteenth century.Indeed, some significant amenities notably elaborated bathing facilities efficient home heating devices, had disappeared since the fall of Rome. Family size is usually related to living standard. Bigger family size results in a lower living standard, while smaller family size leads to the improvement of living standard. This happens, however, only when other factors that affect living standard are held constant. According to Gordon and Dawson (1984), standard of living in rural areas are 30 percent below the standard of living in the cities, let one out of every five percent lives below the poverty line.According to Henderson and Poole (1991), the family size also, affects poverty line. The absolute poverty standard rises with family size, but earning capacity does not. There is also an association between large families and low education level. Parents with a little formal education are not likely to get jobs that pay well enough to support many children. Hence, many are likely to be poor. Even though family size and race can put people at the risk of poverty. Over all, the primary determinants of poverty is whether the household works.

Friday, January 10, 2020

Financial Assessment and Analysis Essay

Introduction Financial Assessment Investment is something that is important in the life of any human being and should therefore be taken very seriously (Downes, & Goodman, 2003). To make an investment means that one is looking for a better future and also to receive returns form that particular investment. It is important when an individual wants to make any form of investment that they consider a lot of factors which will affect the full operation and conducting of the investment (Downes, & Goodman, 2003). It is also important that an individual who wants to make an investment must ensure that they have sufficient information that will help in making the relevant decisions with regard to the investment that they have in mind. Without prior and clear information, making decisions about an investment is difficult and may result in disaster where one may lose all the amount of cash or funds and waste efforts put up in the business investment (Downes, & Goodman, 2003). In the case of Pierre, having a clear financial assessment of the investment that he wants to engage in will help him in making the relevant decisions which will ensure that he does not operate the business   at a loss in the long run. This financial assessment will make use of assumptions in the establishment of whether the investment Pierre is interested in is relevant and will be profitable. In making an appropriate investment decision, there are various issues to be considered by Pierre which involves the analysis of the financial situation which the investment will require as well as the returns on investment which will be achieved by the business (Gibson, 2012). The first step that Pierre will need to do is to make a consideration of the financial investment which will be need to make the business fully functional. Financial appraisal of projects or investments is important since it helps in making the relevant decisions on what to invest in or not to invest in. When conducting a financial analysis, there are various methods which can be used in appraising a project which involves finances (Gibson, 2012). The method that would be used in apprai8sing the investment by Pierre is the Discounted Cash flow analysis which will help to establish whether the investment which Pierre is interested in is worth the efforts or it should be abandoned (Larrabee, Voss, & John Wiley & Sons, 2013). Financial appraisal is also important to any individual or organization which wants to make an investment since it helps in establishing the amount of returns to expect. This is done through the analysis of the expenses which the investment will incur and the revenues which the investment will be able to raise within a certain period of time (Larrabee, Voss & John Wiley & Sons, 2013). Factors affecting the success of an investment When wanting to make an investment decision, there are various factors which need to be considered so that the decision to be made can be considered to viable. The various factors which Pierre will need to consider will include issues such as: Availability of finances Any investment that an individual or even an organization wants to get involved in always requires finances. The finances which will be put up in the business must be readily available so that one can be able to know whether they can take up the investment or not (Shim, & Siegel, 2007). There must e enough finances which will cater for every put of the start up of the investment since every operation in the investment or business will require sufficient funds (Downes, & Goodman, 2003). In the case of Pierre, he is retired and has an amount of CAD 500,000, whereby he has already paid all the taxes which are involved in the retirement benefits. This is quite a good amount which needs to be invested considering that he is no longer in active employment hence he will need something to generate finances for him, in terms of investment (Shim, & Siegel, 2007). Considering the amount which Pierre has available for investment, it can be considered that he is ready to take up any investment of his choice since he already has available funds which he can put up in business (Cherunilam, 2010). Human capital There is no business investment which can take place if there is no available human capital which will operate the whole investment and make it bring good returns. Human capital is necessary and its availability is important for the success of any investment (Cherunilam, 2010). It is important to ensure that there is readily available human capital which will be able to handle the whole operations of the investment to be undertaken. The cost of human capital should also be considered when wanting to make an investment since human capital that is not affordable will mean that the investment will incur large amounts of costs in terms of the salaries which will be paid out to the employees of the business (Horiguchi, & International Monetary Fund, 1992). In the case of Pierre, he will run the business on his own which is quite good since he will be able to set an affordable amount of cash for the remuneration which he will pay himself. As a sole owner and operator of the business makes it more convenient for him to make the relevant decisions concerning human capital since he does not have to consult anyone on any matter concerning the number of people to have working in the business (Reilly, & Brown, 2012). In addition, Pierre will only have one assistant in the business that will assist in conducting and carrying out the operations of the business. This means that he will not have a lot of expenses with regard to the human capital that he will employ in the business (Downes, & Goodman, 2003). In addition, the human capital is readily available and can be considered affordable hence this is an encouraging factor towards the establishment of the business investment which Pierre is interested in (Kruschwitz, 2006). Government regulations and policies In every country, there are always regulations and policies which are laid down concerning the operation of business and investments. These policies range from the taxes which businesses need to pay, the regulation policies which each business needs to follow as a way of conducting the business within that country among many other policies (Kruschwitz, 2006). The government policies and regulations gives the direction which business investments needs to follow and every business must be able to comply with those regulations and policies within the countries where they operate (Downes, & Goodman, 2003). In the case of Pierre, government regulations that he needs to consider are the taxes which are charged on the kind of business that he wants to establish, the tariffs involved in the importation, especially of chocolate from Switzerland (Horiguchi, & International Monetary Fund, 1992). It will be important that Pierre ensures that he complies with all the government regulations and polices if he wants the investment that he has in mind to succeed. In some instances, the government regulations may prohibit the prosperity of a business investment due to the stringent rules that the business investment is required to accomplish in the long run and the tax rates also may have a negative effect on the business (Downes, & Goodman, 2003). Availability of market Every business investment needs a market where it can be able to operate in and earn good returns. Without there being a ready market available for the products to be sold by the investor will mean that the business will not be able to progress in any way (Horiguchi, & International Monetary Fund, 1992). To know whether there is an available market which the business can be able to obtain good returns, conducting a market research is necessary. Market research is important because it helps in various ways. One, when an investor conducts a market research, they are able to establish the kind of customers available and their purchasing behaviors. This helps in formulating the operations of the business in such a way that it is able to meet the exact needs of the customers and hence obtain a greater market share (Cherunilam, 2010). Market research is important because it also helps the business investor to establish whether there is sufficient demand for the products that he/she wants to offer to the market. From the case study of Pierre, it can be noted that Pierre has taken the initiative to conduct a market research for the business that he wants to establish (Cherunilam, 2010). This has given him the information regarding the kind of revenue that he will be able to make for a certain period. For example, from the market research results, Pierre knows that he will have a demand of 600kg per month while for the first month he knows that he will have a demand of 100kg per month. This information obtained from market research helps in making a sound investment decision, whereby Pierre can choose whether to continue with the investment idea or simply drop it depending on this information obtained from the market research conducted (Cherunilam, 2010). The market research is also important since it helps in establishing the demand and the supply of the product the investor wants to offer in the market. In addition, market research also helps in establishing the kind of competition the business investment is likely to face. Knowing the kind of competition to be faced helps an investor to formulate a strategic plan that will be applied in overcoming the competition when the business investment is established (Shim, & Siegel, 2007). Returns on investment The main reason that influences business investors to engage in any form of business investment is simply to obtain good returns on the finances that they have invested. An investment that is not capable of bring any form of good returns to the business investor cannot be considered to be viable in the long run and hence should not be considered (Shim, & Siegel, 2007). The main objective that business investors have is to make profits and also to expand their businesses. The returns which an investor is able to obtain from his/her investment must be able to provide the investor with profits and also leave him/her with funds that can be used in the expansion of the business (Downes, & Goodman, 2003). In carrying out this investment of importing chocolate from Switzerland and selling in North America, Pierre needs to know what amount of returns will he be able to obtain after all the deductions from the business have been made (Shim, & Siegel, 2007). If the business will not be able to bring god returns, then there will be no need of Pierre getting involved in this kind of investment since he will just be wasting his resources. This can only be determined through the financial analysis of the whole investment that Pierre wants to undertake, which will enable him to make well informed decisions concerning the investment (Gibson, 2012). Costs of investment Business investments always involve a lot of costs which an investor must be able to cater for so that the business can be fully operational. Considering the costs to be incurred when undertaking any business investment is of great importance and any investor must be able to do so (Gibson, 2012). Determining and considering the costs will enable the investor to know whether the finances that the investor has are sufficient to cater for all the costs which the business investment will incur (Downes, & Goodman, 2003). When the cost of investment is too high, the investor will not be able to realize higher returns hence the investment cannot be considered to be viable to be undertaken. A viable investment must have low cost of operation involved so that the business investor can be able to remain with some finances which can be considered as profits (Gibson, 2012). Therefore, in making this investment decision, Pierre must be able to determine and consider the costs involved in the whole business through a financial analysis so as to ascertain whether the investment is viable or worth the risk or it is something that should be abandoned. The above analyzed factors are important to be considered by any business investor who wants to put up their money or finances and efforts into a certain business investment. Pierre needs to make a consideration of all the above mentioned and discussed factors if at all he wants to establish a well operating business investment (Gibson, 2012). As mentioned above, most of those factors can only be determined using real time data and information generated through a financial analysis and assessment of the kind of investment that Pierre wants to undertake. By conducting the financial analysis, it will be possible to identify the returns that the investment is likely to attract, the costs which the investor, Mr. Pierre is likely to incur in the process of opening and operating the business (Manufacturing and investment around the world: An international survey of factors affecting growth and performance, 2002). Valuation The financial analysis that will be conducted in the case of Pierre will involve the formulation of a monthly cash flow for the whole business investment, and the formulation of an annual cash flow for the whole year. The best method of conducting this financial analysis is through the method of discounted cash flow (Kruschwitz, 2006). Discounted cash flow method is simply used to make a valuation and an estimation of the attractiveness of a certain investment opportunity that is available. This method of discounted cash flow (DCF) always makes use of the future free cash flow which has been projected and is discounted at a certain rate but mostly the weighted average cost of capital is used in this method (Damodaran, 2012). This is done so as to obtain the present value which is in turn is used in the evaluation of a particular investment to find out if it is viable. After the calculation of the discounted cash flow, if the value obtained through this method is found to be higher than that of the current value or cost of investment, then the investment opportunity can be said to be a viable one (Schön, 2007). Monthly Cash Flow The monthly cash flow that Pierre is expecting or will experience from the first, month of the investment is that, in the first month, he will be able to have a net cash flow of about CAD 29,193 while for the subsequent months starting from the second month, it is assumed that he will have a constant cash flow of about CAD 102,243. This is expected to occur throughout the year until the end of the first year. The cash flow in the first month is expected to be less because from the market research conducted, it was observed that the amount of stock that he will be able to sell will be about 100kg which is the reason why the cash flow for the first month is lower as compared to the subsequent months. In the second month and the ones that follow, the unit sales increase due to the increase in the stock from 100kg for the first month to about 600kg from the second month. It is also assumed from the calculation of the monthly cash flow that the interest rates will be uniform throughout the year and no inflation will affect the interest rates. Furthermore, it is assumed that the demand for the products will be constant from the second month and there will be no any form of decline or an increase in the demand throughout the first year. Yearly Cash flow The yearly cash flow that Pierre will experience when he starts the investment of selling the chocolates in Americas, the first year is expected to have a cash flow of about CAD 1,204,866 in total. This is the same amount which is expected to be the cash flow for the company or the investment that Pierre is expecting to start. This net yearly cash flow from the first year for a period of five years is assumed to be constant just as the case of the monthly cash flow in the second month of operation. The assumptions made in this case are that: The interest rates will remain constant throughout the five years and there will be no inflation that will take place throughout that period of time. The demand for the products will remain the same throughout the five year period with no change in the prices which will be charged for the products. It is also assumed that the costs involved in the running of the business will remain constant throughout the five years with no increase or decrease on the expenses of the business investment which Pierre is expecting to undertake. The other assumptions which have been made in the calculation of both the monthly cash flow of the business investment and the yearly cash flow of the business is that the investment or business with will be undertaken and also Pierre will employ an assistant for the job. It is the assumption of this report and the calculations made that the exchange rate that is to be used to convert the CHF to CAD is taken to be at the rate of 1 CAD is equivalent to about CHF 0.83. This is the rate which has been used to make a conversion of the purchasing price and air transport costs which Pierre is to incur when importing the products from Switzerland. The amount of cash that Pierre could be able to offer to EigerChoc SA as the upfront payment for the exclusive rights of having to sell the products for the period of five years and still leave him no better off or worse if he made the investment decision of engaging EigerChoc in this kind of business would be a total of about CAD 200,000. The reason why he will be able to offer this amount in an easy way is that within a period of half a year, he will be able to obtain good returns which will help bring back his money and make the business fully operational on its own. This amount of about CAD 200,000 will leave Mr. Pierre with an amount of CAD 300,000, assuming that he used his total lump sum amount to start the business. Considering the expenses which he will incur, the amount of CAD 300,000 will leave him more capable of handling all the expenses even if he offers a sum of CAD 200,000 to EigerChoc as an upfront fee. Conclusion Business decision making, especially with regard to making an investment decision sometimes is quite challenging and to some extent a task that requires a lot of information and keenness. It is important that a business investor must be able to obtain all the relevant information that will enable in making the most appropriate decision of investment. Pierre provided sufficient information about the business investment that he wants to get involved in and from the financial analysis on the annual and the monthly cash flow of the business venture, it can be said that the business investment looks attractive for MR. Pierre to undertake. Pierre is in a better position to make this investment because he has all the resources which are needed for the business. The only thing that may inhibit him from undertaking this kind of business is the regulations and government policies which may make it more expensive in terms of the licenses and may be the trade relations between North America and Switzerland. Recommendations The recommendations which Pierre should consider are that: Conduct further research on government policies and regulations regarding the kind of business investment that he wants to undertake He should make use of the lump sum funds that he has instead of borrowing a loon of about CAD 100,000 at an interest rate of 8%. This will increase the expenses of the business hence should not be undertaken at the start of the business. Do not engage at the moment. This should be done when the business is fully established to ensure that the expenses involved are not increased. Offer an amount of about CAD 200,000 to EigerChoc as an upfront payment for the business investment. This will leave him with sufficient amount to operate the business. From the analysis of the factors that affecting or determine whether to undertake a business or not and from the calculations of the cash flow that is expected in the business for the period of five years, it would be more advisable for Pierre to undertake the business considering that he already has the knowledge about the market and the kind of demand that his products will command. In addition, through the help of his wife, the business is expected to perform well in the long run and hence it is a viable investment to undertake. References Cherunilam, F. (2010). International business: Text and cases. New Delhi: PHI Learning Private   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Limited. Damodaran, A. (2012). Investment valuation: Tools and techniques for determining the value of any asset. (Investment valuation.) Hoboken, N.J: Wiley. Gibson, Charles H. (2012). 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Thursday, January 2, 2020

The Military Sexual-Assault Problem - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 552 Downloads: 1 Date added: 2019/02/20 Category Law Essay Level High school Tags: Sexual Assault In The Military Essay Did you like this example? Sexual assault has been an issue throughout the Army for a long time. It seems that with every passing year the number of sexual assaults increase within the organization, causing further concern for the morale and the safety of the troops. Regardless of the zero-tolerance policy and the multitude of trainings and briefs given on the topic, the number of sexual assaults in the Army continues to rise. It is likely that this perceived escalation in numbers is not due to an actual increase in sexual assault, but due to the victims feeling more secure in reporting what happened. Sexual assault occurs mainly due to an imbalance of power. The assaulter normally has financial, physical, or authoritative power over the other individual. This causes the assaulter to feel empowered and untouchable, allowing them to act in any way that would benefit themselves. â€Å"In the military, the level of coercion that can be facilitated through the use of rank and authority can be just as serious as the threat or use of physical force†1. Unfortunately, power imbalance within the military is not something that we can fix without the obliteration of the rank structure, which is never going to happen nor should it happen. This leads us to a different tactic to mitigate the number of sexual assaults as best we can; through education. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "The Military Sexual-Assault Problem" essay for you Create order The current training does reduce the risk of sexual assault and harassment occurring in the Army. Despite the antagonistic sighs that occur when mentioning a SHARP brief, the training does make a difference. Then why the increase in sexual assaults? â€Å"The report for fiscal 2017 says the department received 6,769 reports of sexual assault involving service members as either victims or subjects of criminal investigation, a 9.7 percent increase over the 6,172 reports made in fiscal 2016†2. The likely reason behind the increase in reported sexual assaults in the recent years is due to the changes in the SHARP program. People feel safer in coming forward when something happens, causing a perceived fluctuation in the numbers. The safety and security given to victims of sexual assault in the Army makes them feel more in control of what happens. After sexual assault, the victim generally feels powerless and incapable. Without proper guidance and outlets for them, they may sink into a depression, their work will falter, and they may not report the assault due to feelings of insecurity in the system. In response to these feelings of unease, the Army has put a good system in place to give back power to the victims and make them feel comfortable reporting the incidences. Having both the formal and informal channels available gives back control of their privacy and furthermore give us an accurate count of how much of a problem sexual assault really is within our ranks. The numbers may be going up regarding sexual assault, but it is likely due to the victims feeling more empowered and able to report. It is highly unlikely that sexual violence in the military will be fully eradicated. However, there are ways to help decrease the prevalence of this particular plague: education and giving the victims their sense of security back so they can build their strength back up in order to report the incidence. References 1: 2: